Category: Health

Be Aware of Chemicals in Your Food

Be Aware of Chemicals in Your Food It’s amazing how much our food has changed over the past few decades.  In fact, the food we eat today would be virtually unrecognizable by our parents and …

Top 5 Protein Rich Nuts

Top 5 Protein Rich Nuts Nuts are a fantastic source of protein for many reasons. They’re suitable for vegetarians, they don’t require any preparation, you can take them with you anywhere and they contain lots …

Symptoms and Solutions of Eye Strain

What is eye strain, you say? Let’s establish first that although this condition is very unpleasant – it can’t lead to any further eye damage, which is actually really good news. Eye strain is in …

Immunity Boosting Smoothies

Immunity Boosting Smoothies If you want to protect your body against illness, infection and disease, smoothies are an amazing natural medicine. They’re packed full of powerful antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that promote the production of …

Alcohol And Aging

Alcohol And Aging Look around you in the lunch hours, during the happy hour after work, on the college campuses, at sports events, in basements, at pubs and bars, at weddings, at parties, at functions …

5 Signs You Might Be Anemic

Fatigue, shortness of breath, pale skin, headaches, and dizziness – all complaints that most of us complain of from time to time. We usually think of these symptoms as being due to relatively minor issues …

Natural Anti-Aging Skincare

Our skin is a very vital and complex organ; a strong envelope to keep us intact and everything else out. It is an organ of sensation and touch, closely connected to the great nerve center …

Symptoms and Solutions of Pre-Diabetes

Surely you have heard about serious diabetes, but are you familiar with the condition leading up to it? What is pre-diabetes? Basically, it means that your blood sugar level is elevated, but it’s not elevated …