Category: Thyroid Disorders

What Having Cold Hands and Feet Could Mean

What Having Cold Hands and Feet Could Mean When it is cold, you can understand why your extremities are cold. It usually the body’s natural response to keep your core warm. However, when your hands …

Types of Thyroid Disorders

Types of Thyroid Disorders If you are having trouble losing or gaining weight, experiencing memory or lack of proper brain function, find that you are low energy, or have hair loss and dry skin, you …

The Relationship Between Hormones and Anxiety

The Relationship Between Hormones and Anxiety Anxiety is an umbrella term that encompasses a wide array of disorders that generally result from worrying, fear, apprehension, and nervousness. Such feelings will most likely have an impact …

What Is Thyroid Disorders

Thyroid Disorders Thyroid disorders are common among millions of Americans. Most of them don’t even know they have a thyroid disorder until the symptoms become so magnified that a doctor finally does a test for …