Category: Yoga

Exercise Toys for the Home Gym

Exercise Toys for the Home Gym Are you lucky enough to be able to have your own home gym but are unsure of what exactly to put into it?  Or do you have enough space …

The Best Way to Lose Belly Fat

The Best Way to Lose Belly Fat If you’re dissatisfied with your waistline, you’re probably wondering what is the best way to lose belly fat.  In reality there’s no one way.  But there are several …

Importance of Functional Strength

Importance of Functional Strength The term “functional strength training” it is a time for exercising each muscle group for strength to perform everyday activities in an easier fashion. Improving daily movements with the muscles you …

Exercising While Pregnant

Exercising While Pregnant Just because a woman is pregnant doesn’t mean that she cannot exercise or stay fit. While it may not be wise to try and run a marathon while pregnant, nothing is stopping …

Losing Weight Can be Fun

Losing Weight Can be Fun There are fun ways to lose weight. This might sound like it could not possibly be true, but fun weight-loss ideas do exist. The key to having fun while losing …

All About Back Pain During Pregnancy

All About Back Pain During Pregnancy Being pregnant can be uncomfortable. And why not? – The responsibility of rearing a child begins from the womb, and thanks to the many myths floating around, women tend …

How Yoga Benefits You

How Yoga Benefits You Almost everyone has heard of yoga. This ancient practice of meditation and exercise has been a part of human culture for thousands of years. Surprisingly, many people are not aware of …

What Is Kundalini Yoga?

What Is Kundalini Yoga? Kundalini Yoga is a powerful type of yoga that focuses on the energy within the body. The focus is usually pinpointed through an area. In the old language, the definition for …

Planking Exericses

Planking Exericses Many people desire a stronger set of core muscles. These muscles include the abs and the back and are used constantly to stabilize the body. Pilates is a method to strengthen and tone …