Category: Exercise

2 Symptoms of Diabetes

2 Symptoms of Diabetes Diabetes is a disease that has many early signs which are often easy to overlook. Diabetes is generally divided into several categories or types. These categories include Type I Diabetes, Type …

What is Physical Fitness

What is Physical Fitness Everyone would like to be considered physically fit. Physical fitness is a term that is commonly used, but you may wonder what it actually means. According to the USDHHS, physical fitness …

All About Back Pain During Pregnancy

All About Back Pain During Pregnancy Being pregnant can be uncomfortable. And why not? – The responsibility of rearing a child begins from the womb, and thanks to the many myths floating around, women tend …

What Is CrossFit?

What Is CrossFit You’ve probably heard of it and you may even know someone who does it, but what is CrossFit? CrossFit is actually a type of exercise training that’s been used for a long …

How Yoga Benefits You

How Yoga Benefits You Almost everyone has heard of yoga. This ancient practice of meditation and exercise has been a part of human culture for thousands of years. Surprisingly, many people are not aware of …

Stay Hydrated

Stay Hydrated Trying to lose weight may be an excellent way to improve your health and gain more self confidence, but that doesn’t mean that it won’t leave you feeling frustrated at times. Here’s a …

Ab Rollers

The Best Ab Rollers Ab rollers can give you a total body workout just by using your own bodyweight. When you use an ab roller when exercising, you’re forced to use your bodyweight for balance. …