Category: Beauty

Butt Exercises

Butt Exercises Unfortunately, there’s no magic ‘Butt-B-Gone’ spray that can shape your fanny, give you a new derrière or take the place of hardcore butt exercises. If you want to lose the bulk in your …

Essential Oils For Skin and Beauty

Essential Oils For Skin and Beauty The oil from various plants and herbs isn’t just good for your overall health, but can help with your skin and beauty as well. Take a look at some …

Get Shiny Hair With Coconut Oil

Get Shiny Hair With Coconut Oil When your hair is flat and lacks shine, you may be looking at your local drug or beauty supply store for the magic cure. However, what you need is …

What to do About Hormonal Acne

What to do About Hormonal Acne While not all adult acne is caused by hormonal changes, this does tend to be very common among older adults. You have hormonal changes throughout your life, so you …

Preventing Exposure to Pollen

Preventing Exposure to Pollen The most common allergy is the allergy to pollen. So many people suffer from pollen allergies that there are whole pharmaceutical companies devoted to producing medications to alleviate allergy symptoms. Taking …

Ways to Use Aloe for Anti-Aging

Ways to Use Aloe for Anti-Aging Anti-aging is a concern for many men and women around the world. Wrinkles around the eyes and lips, fine lines, and enlarged pores can all be signs of aging. …

When You Should Do Skin Brushing

When You Should Do Skin Brushing Dry skin brushing may seem like something that would work for you in your daily skincare routine. The problem is you may not know when you should do skin …

Hormonal Acne

Hormonal Acne Until recently, acne was considered to be a disease caused by oily skin or too much junk food. Scientists and physicians have discovered that certain forms of acne are actually caused by hormonal …

Acne Diet

Acne Diet There are many diets that are described as having foods which will defeat acne. Because each person is different, many cases of acne are different as well. A diet that will help one …

Symptoms of Dehydration

Signs Of Dehydration Dehydration is a condition in which a persons body doesn’t receive enough fluids and water to remain comfortably hydrated. Dehydration can range anywhere from mild to very severe, which can be dangerous …