Category: Anxiety

Common Emotional Eating Triggers to Avoid

Common Emotional Eating Triggers to Avoid If you are just starting out with an attempt to reduce your emotional eating responses, then you may already know a few issues causing it. For example, you may …

Easy Ways to Reduce Stress

Easy Ways to Reduce Stress Today, stress is recognized as a contributor to a wide range of mental health issues that are fairly common across all demographics. Knowing how to regain control of tumultuous thoughts …

Ways to Use Essential Oils

Ways to Use Essential Oils After you have learned about the essential oils you want to use for different ailments and conditions, you will then need to decide exactly how to use them. The following …

Essential Oils For Insomnia

Essential Oils For Insomnia There are few things in life more frustrating than having trouble sleeping. Sleeping is important for both your mental and physical health, and insomnia tends to get worse over time. Instead …

5 Invisible Symptoms of Fibromyalgia

5 Invisible Symptoms of Fibromyalgia Not all diseases have visible symptoms. Many diseases hide themselves in the body until they are ready to create havoc in places that can’t been seen without special equipment. One …

Essential Oils 101

Essential Oils 101 You may have heard about essential oils, especially if you look up natural remedies for physical and mental ailments, but are not sure exactly what they are. This information is going to …

The Basics of Relaxation

The Basics of Relaxation In today’s fast-paced world, stress and the damage that it causes to the human body has become a popular topic. There are many books and magazines published entirely consisting of relaxation …

The Benefits of Reiki

The Benefits of Reiki Reiki healing is a belief that your healer can transfer positive energy from their body to your body in order to heal it from various issues. The main reason people use …

Treating Panic Attacks without Medication

Treating Panic Attacks without Medication Anxiety development and subsequent panic attacks, have become one of the most common psychological disorders of the present day and the medication route for treating the problem has become one …