Category: Muscle Building

At-Home Workouts That Include Bodyweight Moves

At-Home Workouts That Include Bodyweight Moves Just because you want to add bodyweight exercises to your fitness routine, doesn’t mean you can’t do your normal workout as well. There are actually many popular at-home workouts …

Butt Exercises

Butt Exercises Unfortunately, there’s no magic ‘Butt-B-Gone’ spray that can shape your fanny, give you a new derrière or take the place of hardcore butt exercises. If you want to lose the bulk in your …

The Benefits Of Protein

The Benefits Of Protein Protein is probably the most famous of the three macronutrients (three essential nutrients that your body requires in large quantities to survive) due to its muscle building properties. However, this is …

Using Creatine

Using Creatine Creatine has been a popular supplement among athletes since the 1970s. From football players to bodybuilders, creatine has become a mainstay in high-performance diet and nutrition. This compound is actually manufactured naturally within …

Getting Extra Protein into the Diet

Getting Extra Protein into the Diet Finding the right diet to improve muscle mass can be pretty confusing. With stores full of protein shakes and vitamin bottles, it can be difficult to choose the right …

Tips For Training to Run a 5K

Tips For Training to Run a 5K If you are just getting started with running, your first goal is probably to run a 5k. A lot of special events and charity runs are 5k, which …

Benefits of HIIT Workouts

Benefits of HIIT Workouts What kind of workout is your favorite? In the last decade or so, major innovations that are the result of highly monitored study have created a new and exciting type of …

Weight Lifting Tips For Beginners

Weight Lifting Tips For Beginners Men everywhere are turning towards fitness in attempts to improve their appearance and quality of life. Have you been thinking about beginning a trying a weight lifting routine, but are …