Ways to Use Different Essential Oils

Ways to Use Different Essential Oils If you are new to using essential oils, you might be a little stuck on what each one of them does. Here is a simple guide that shows you …

Why Everyone Should Be Weight Training

Why Everyone Should Be Weight Training In terms of your workouts while losing weight, they should not just be cardio. Weight training is really important for everyone, whether you are trying to burn fat or …

Sand Bags

Sand Bags If you’re new to bodyweight training, you may not yet know of a handy way that you can add resistance to your workout. Using a sandbag can give you a workout that sculpts …

The Link Between Stress and Depression

The Link Between Stress and Depression Depression can be related to a lot of different mental health disorders, from anxiety to PTSD, but it also has a link with stress. Your stress can lead to …

Different Types of Cardiovascular Disease

Different Types of Cardiovascular Disease Cardiovascular disease has become among the leading causes of death around the world. With unhealthy eating and lifestyle choices becoming more common, education about what kinds of diseases will become …

Pull Up and Chin Up Bars

Pull Up and Chin Up Bars Bodyweight training is one of the fastest and easiest ways that you can lose weight and get in shape. Plus, you don’t have to have a lot of fancy …

Choosing the Best Exercise Routine

Choosing the Best Exercise Routine When choosing an exercise routine, you’ll want to focus on three things: your personality, needs, and fitness level. Rather than trying to adjust your life around exercise, adjust your exercise …

Weight Vests

Weight Vests If you want to add endurance to your bodyweight training routine, you’ll want to get some weight vests. These are handy pieces of clothing that help kick your workout up a notch. What …

Signs of Emotional Overeating

Signs of Emotional Overeating Emotional overeating is one of the leading causes of failed diets and weight gain. This can lead to feelings of failure, hopelessness, and a general depression. Unhealthy eating habits often lead …