5 Ways to Build Muscle Mass in 2020

There’s a big difference between toning up and becoming muscular. Building muscle mass takes just as much effort, commitment and patience as losing weight does. Many people think it’s only a matter of doing repetitions, …

Engage in Specific Ab Building Exercises

One of the most important parts of having a six pack is actually building your abs up. They don’t usually just appear when you’ve lost enough weight – they’re muscles just like any other and …

Avoid Foods That Bloat Your Belly

Sometimes, even if you have visible abs, you might notice that you can’t see them. This is usually the result of eating bloating foods that can cause your stomach region to look larger than it …

5 Hot Fitness Programs for 2020

If you’re trying to figure out which fitness program you should pursue in 2020 to achieve optimal health or another type of fitness goal, you’ll be happy to hear there are many options for you …

How to Tone Your Back

The back, especially for guys, is a great muscle to tone up. A toned, muscular back is what absolutely completes any summer body type look, separating you from some guys who just hit the gym …

Staying Motivated

Staying Motivated Quitting smoking is probably one of the hardest things you will ever have to do. It is easy to make the decision to quit; it is extremely difficult to stay motivated during the …