Benefits of HIIT Workouts

Benefits of HIIT Workouts What kind of workout is your favorite? In the last decade or so, major innovations that are the result of highly monitored study have created a new and exciting type of …

How Clean Eating Cooking is Different

How Clean Eating Cooking is Different When it comes to the clean eating lifestyle, you are trying to reduce processed foods, cook more often, and have as many fresh ingredients as you possibly can. This …

Yoga Poses That Burn More Fat

Yoga Poses That Burn More Fat If you are looking to burn more fat with your workouts, just doing cardio and weight training might not get you to where you want to be. Another good …

Seasonal Essential Oil Blends

Seasonal Essential Oil Blends When the fall season arrives, it is a great time to get out your essential oils and put them in your diffuser. It really creates the ambiance of fall and is …

Getting Tested For Allergies

Getting Tested For Allergies Allergies are often considered one of the most annoying aspects of the pollen season. Hay fever is a common complaint among even those people who are not normally allergic to anything. …

Why Walking is the Best Mom Workout

Why Walking is the Best Mom Workout As a mom, you are probably looking for ways to keep up with a fitness routine, but struggle with having a hectic schedule that is always changing. When …

Weight Lifting Tips For Beginners

Weight Lifting Tips For Beginners Men everywhere are turning towards fitness in attempts to improve their appearance and quality of life. Have you been thinking about beginning a trying a weight lifting routine, but are …

Putting Definition in Your Leg Muscles

Putting Definition in Your Leg Muscles Some people are simply born with well-defined leg muscles – and some of us have to work for them. There are a number of exercises that are specifically designed …

Health Benefits of Matcha Green Tea

Health Benefits of Matcha Green Tea The reason matcha green tea is trending right now is because of how good for you it is. Not only do you get all the same health benefits as …

Type 2 Diabetes 101

Type 2 Diabetes 101 In terms of diabetes, there are 3 main forms of it: type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, and gestational diabetes. Gestational diabetes only occurs in pregnant women, and usually goes away …