Category: Stress

3 Essential Oils For Insomnia

3 Essential Oils For Insomnia Over the counter medications, prescription sleeping drugs, and even natural herbal remedies may all be on your list of things you have tried or will be trying for your insomnia. …

The Different Irritable Bowel Syndrome Treatments

The Different Irritable Bowel Syndrome Treatments Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a disorder affecting the gastrointestinal. The origin of this disorder is still unknown. But its symptoms include bloating, gassiness, abdominal cramps, diarrhea and constipation. And …

Child Anxiety Disorder

Child Anxiety Disorder All children experience some feelings of anxiety and stress. These feelings are usually temporary and the child doesn’t suffer any lasting ramifications from them. But today, one out of eight children suffers …

What Causes Inflammation in the Body?

What Causes Inflammation in the Body? A sparse amount of inflammation in your body is normal. It’s your body’s way of fighting off foreign invaders, by attacking the spot where it’s not well. But sometimes …

Dealing With Backpain

Dealing With Backpain Back pain is common during a pregnancy because women are dealing with a lot of changes to their bodies. For example, not only is there the expected weight gain but there is …

How Stress Affects Your Entire Body

How Stress Affects Your Entire Body Stress gives you immediate signs that it is around. It can cause emotional distress through depression and anxiety. It can also spread throughout your body and far past your …

Avoid These Common Depression Triggers

Avoid These Common Depression Triggers If you suffer from depression, you probably get worsening episodes during certain times. This is often due to experiencing a depression trigger. This can be a situation, event, person, or …