BOSU Golf Exercises

BOSU Golf Exercises

Golf relies heavily on balance and core strength. When you swing, you swing from your core. If you aren’t optimally balanced, your shot accuracy suffers and if you don’t have the core strength, your shot power suffers. The five golf exercises below focus on these key areas. They help improve your balance by getting you to stand on the unstable surface of the BOSU ball. They also help improve the strength of your swing by using an impact bag (a great tool for building shot power) and the wood chop (a great strength building exercise which targets all the muscles you use during your golf swing).

1. Golf Dumbbell Wood Chop Drill

Equipment Required:

  • 1 BOSU ball (platform side up)
  • 1 dumbbell


  1. Grab the dumbbell with both hands, stand on the BOSU ball and get your balance.
  2. Raise the dumbbell above your right shoulder.
  3. Slowly bring the dumbbell down across your body in a chopping motion and bend your knees as you bring the dumbbell down.
  4. Slowly raise the dumbbell back above your shoulder.
  5. Repeat for as many repetitions as you desire.
  6. Raise the dumbbell above your left shoulder.
  7. Repeat steps 3 to 5.
  8. Step off the BOSU ball to complete the exercise.

2. Golf Impact Bag Drill

Equipment Required:

  • 1 BOSU ball (dome side up)
  • 1 GolfGym Club 38 Weighted Club
  • 1 impact bag


  1. Place the BOSU ball on the ground next to your right foot.
  2. Place the impact bag on the ground in front of your left foot.
  3. Grab the GolfGym Club 38 weighted club in both hands, place your right foot on the BOSU ball and bend both your knees slightly.
  4. Swing the GolfGym Club 38 weighted club backwards and get your balance.
  5. Swing the GolfGym Club 38 weighted club forwards at full force and drive it into the impact bag with maximum power.
  6. Step off the BOSU ball, grab the impact bag and put it back in the starting position.
  7. Repeat steps 3 to 6.
  8. Repeat for as many repetitions as you desire.
  9. Re-arrange the BOSU ball and the impact bag so that the BOSU ball is next to your left foot and the impact bag is in front of your right foot.
  10. Grab the GolfGym Club 38 weighted club in both hands, place your left foot on the BOSU ball and bend both your knees slightly.
  11. Repeat steps 4 to 6.
  12. Repeat for as many repetitions as you desire.
  13. Step off the BOSU ball to complete the exercise.

3. Golf Reverse Cable Wood Chop Drill

Equipment Required:

  • 1 BOSU ball (platform side up)
  • 1 cable crossover machine


  1. Adjust the cable crossover machine so that one of the cables is at the bottom and attach a handle it.
  2. Place the BOSU ball just in front of this bottom cable.
  3. Select the weight you want to lift on the cable crossover machine and grab the handle with both hands.
  4. Step onto the BOSU ball, bend your knees slightly and turn your body towards the cable crossover machine.
  5. Extend your knees, stand up straight and swing the cable up and away from the cable crossover machine, stopping when the cable reaches shoulder height.
  6. Bend your knees slightly and lower the cable back towards the cable crossover machine.
  7. Repeat for as many repetitions as you desire.
  8. Turn around 180 degrees on the BOSU.
  9. Repeat steps 3 to 7.
  10. Step off the BOSU ball to complete the exercise.
  11. Step off the BOSU ball and release each cable to complete the exercise.

4. Golf Reverse Medicine Ball Wood Chop Drill

Equipment Required:

  • 2 BOSU balls (dome side up)
  • 1 medium medicine ball


  1. Place the BOSU balls on the floor next to each other.
  2. Grab the medium medicine ball with both hands, place one foot on each BOSU ball and get your balance.
  3. Bend your knees, squat down until your butt is parallel to your knees and swing the medium medicine ball to the left side of your body.
  4. Extend your knees, stand up straight and swing the medium medicine ball up and to the right, stopping when it is raised above your right shoulder.
  5. Repeat for as many repetitions as you desire.
  6. Bend your knees, squat down until your butt is parallel to your knees and swing the medium medicine ball to the right side of your body.
  7. Extend your knees, stand up straight and swing the medium medicine ball up and to the left, stopping when it is raised above your left shoulder.
  8. Repeat for as many repetitions as you desire.
  9. Step off the BOSU ball to complete the exercise.

5. Golf Swing Drill

Equipment Required:

  • 1 BOSU ball (platform side up)
  • 1 GolfGym Club 38 Weighted Club


  1. Stand on the BOSU ball, grab the GolfGym Club 38 weighted club in both hands and get your balance.
  2. Swing the GolfGym Club 38 weighted club backwards and get your balance.
  3. Swing the GolfGym Club 38 weighted club forwards at full force while keeping your balance on the BOSU ball.
  4. Swing the GolfGym Club 38 weighted club backwards to the starting position.
  5. Repeat for as many repetitions as you desire.
  6. Step off the BOSU ball to complete the exercise.

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