Tips For Living With Arthritis

Tips For Living With Arthritis

When you first get arthritis, the pain often causes you to stop moving your body and constantly rely on pain relievers just to get through the day. While resting more might seem like a good idea, before too long, you will realize that isn’t the best option. Here are some tips for continuing to live with arthritis.

Get Regular Physical Activity

The reason you will see this recommendation a lot when reading about arthritis is because it really important when you have this condition. You need to keep regular exercise or your joint pain can actually worsen. The problem with physical pain is that you feel like you need to get more rest or it will hurt more. While that is often the case in many situations, it isn’t always the best approach. There are definitely times when it is a good idea to move around, which includes when you have arthritis.

Eat the Right Foods

What you eat can also help or hurt the amount of pain you are in with arthritis, including all forms of arthritis like rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. You want to eat foods that help to reduce inflammation, such as bananas, blueberries, whole grains, oatmeal, and omega-3 fatty acids. Reduce foods that will cause swelling, such as anything that is overly processed, fatty, or has a high salt content. This means avoiding pre-packaged foods, frozen foods, and most fried and fast foods.

Reduce Your Stress Levels

It is a good idea to reduce your stress as much as possible when you have been diagnosed with arthritis. When you are stressed out, you tend to be hard on your joints because your body becomes tense as a result of the stress. This in turn can cause your joints to start hurt, which makes it really hard to deal with arthritis. If you have noticed that you are stressed out when your joints hurt, it is time to figure out what is causing it so you can hopefully put a stop to it.

Get Products That Are Easier For You to Use

Daily activities and tasks might become more difficult, so this might mean making some modifications at home and changing up the products you use. Most items you grasp with your hand should be a larger side, such as handles and pens. You want to have rubber grips as much as possible as well. If you do housecleaning, only use a vacuum with a tall handle, never one that requires you to bend over a lot while working. Get help with some household chores if needed.

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