Suspension Revolution 2.0 Review

Product Name: Suspension Revolution 2.0 Review
Product Description: How To Get Ripped Abs with 191 Amazing Never-Seen-Before Suspension Exercises as Suspended Bodyweight Training Expert Dan Long Personally Coaches You Through Over 2,000 Fat-Burning Reps
Price: 20.10
Currency: $
Availability: InStock
Suspension Revolution
Why we love the Suspension Revolution 2.0 product:
1) The training methods in the Suspension Revolution are unique in the sense that the workouts are not your usual run-of-the-mill bench presses, deadlifts, etc. Thses workouts involve hanging, swinging and a lot of core work. You will be working muscles that conventional training just doesn’t train. Very effective for attaining muscle balance and strength.
2) Over 190 exercises! Imagine that. Most trainers probably don’t even know half the moves. This is a very comprehensive program.
3) There are beginner, intermediate and advanced stages. So, if you’re a beginner, you’re not just thrown into the deep end and left to drown. You actually can progress at your own pace till you are strong enough to do the more advanced moves.
That being said, you must be in reasonably ok shape to start this program. Obese or overweight people would be better off doing a cardio program and losing the weight first. Suspension training is not a walk in the park.
Suspension Revolution 2.0 Review
Suspension training is the brainchild of TRX, a company dedicated to fitness. It is one of the most effective training methods around and suspension training has taken the fitness world by storm.
One of the issues of suspension training is that you needed a trainer to show you how to do it. Most of the time the trainer had to be qualified and that would mean having to pay them more.
Most people just want to do the suspension training on their own and not fork out more money over and above a gym membership. The TRX suspension trainer can even be hung at home so a gym membership is not even required for this super effective method. If you doubt suspension training’s efficacy, you should be aware that Navy SEALs use this method to train. Convinced? Of course you are.
Now how do you do suspension training if you don’t have a trainer to teach you?
The Suspension Revolution. That’s how. Created by Dan Long, this is probably the best suspension training instruction you can ever hope to get.
The internet is full of hyped up products that promise the world from slabs of muscle to getting ripped in days. The Suspension Revolution is NOT one of those. Even the video on their official site is fun and interesting. This is refreshing to see as compared to those long, drawn out videos littering other fitness sites.
The Good Points:
1) The training methods in the Suspension Revolution are unique in the sense that the workouts are not your usual run-of-the-mill bench presses, deadlifts, etc. Thses workouts involve hanging, swinging and a lot of core work. You will be working muscles that conventional training just doesn’t train. Very effective for attaining muscle balance and strength.
2) Over 190 exercises! Imagine that. Most trainers probably don’t even know half the moves. This is a very comprehensive program.
3) There are beginner, intermediate and advanced stages. So, if you’re a beginner, you’re not just thrown into the deep end and left to drown. You actually can progress at your own pace till you are strong enough to do the more advanced moves.
That being said, you must be in reasonably ok shape to start this program. Obese or overweight people would be better off doing a cardio program and losing the weight first. Suspension training is not a walk in the park.
4) Dan’s personality rocks. You can’t help but like the guy and his attitude.
5) A 100% money back guarantee should ease even the most frugal person’s worries. There is zero risk. In the event, it’s just not for you, you can always get a refund.
6) It’s an online download so you get immediate access to the product. No shipping to worry about.
The Bad Points:
1) This is a tough program. It really is. You must have some basic fitness. This is not a program to start if the last time you worked out was in 1940. Even with beginner exercises, there is a degree of difficulty. Expect to sweat. That is a given.
2) This is an online program. You’ll need a computer and an internet connection to download it.
Should You Get It?
Are you into suspension training? Yes?
Then you need this. In fact, it’s the only thing you need besides the TRX cables. Applied knowledge is power. You will get the knowledge from this program. Just apply it and become fit. That’s basically it.
Awesome product.