Smoothie for Cold and Flu

Smoothie for Cold and Flu

When you have a typical cold or flu, you may tend to do the typical tasks that most people go through. You may up your fluids and try to start taking cold and flu medications that are for day and night use. This can help, and in some cases when it does not, you can go to a doctor for higher dosages and more potent medications. Though all of this is the standard for how to handle your cold and flu, there are more natural options. By using food as medicine, you can build smoothies that can give your body what you need to get over the illness. Here are a few of those smoothies that you can try.

Green Goddess Smoothie

This smoothie is a go to for vegans and green smoothie lovers. With 1 cup each of kale, spinach, frozen banana, and cucumbers you are sure to get the hydration you need. In addition to getting the hydration you need, you will also be filling your body with cold and flu fighting vitamins and minerals. This simple smoothie will give your body a jolt of the iron you need, potassium, and anti-inflammatory agents while boosting your vegetable intake. You can have this smoothie once to three times a day to help push toxins from your body and get you back on track.

Spicy Echinacea Smoothie

Sore throats are one of the leading complaints that some people have during a cold. You can combat that with this smoothie. This smoothie is easy to make and can be added to as you find other fruits that work for you. All you need is a piece of ginger root that has been cut into three equal pieces. This should be about a ¼ cup of ginger. If you want more spice, add a few more slivers of the root. In addition to the root add Echinacea powder along with 1 cup of oranges and 1 cup of the berries of your choice. The ginger will help soothe your stomach and aide in digestion. The Echinacea help your cells to combat bacteria and fight the cold while helping boost your immune system. You can add oranges to this smoothie to give a punch of Vitamin C as well.

Creamy Greek Blueberry Smoothie

It is hard to believe for some people, but 1 cup of Greek yogurt added to 2 cups of blueberries can help you get rid of your cold fast and easy. It is very simple to make and you can have the smoothie a few times a day without bringing chaos to your digestive system. If you want an extra boost to help rid your body of the cold and flu nasties, then add one third cup of hemp seeds. The hemp seeds in the smoothie give you Omega 3. That will help to reduce the inflammation throughout your body due to the cold symptoms. The blueberries give your body the antioxidants it will need to help your immune system fight the cold itself. You will also get the fiber you need to flush your system and get the toxins out of your digestive tract and body.

Best Smoothie for Cold and Flu

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