Category: Stress

Ways to Use Lavender Essential Oil

Ways to Use Lavender Essential Oil When it comes to essential oils, lavender is one of the most popular and most common. This is because it has a very mild, but pleasant scent, is easy …

Herbal and Alternative Remedies

Herbal and Alternative Remedies There are many medical treatments for people suffering from disorders caused by stress. These medications sometimes create new problems because of their numerous side effects. However, there are many natural and …

Long Term Depressive Disorders

Long Term Depressive Disorders Many people have bouts of depression they have to deal with once in awhile, but when the condition begins to affect your daily life and you can’t seem to pull yourself …

Overcoming Overeating the Right Way

Overcoming Overeating the Right Way There are healthy ways to overcome an overeating habit and there are rigid diet plans that will get you nowhere. If you have an overeating habit, there is more to …

The Cause of Insomnia

The Cause of Insomnia During the day, there is so much going on that keeps you occupied. There are appointments, work projects, relationships, errands, home upkeep and more. When you finally hit the bed, your …

Anxiety Attacks Treatment

Anxiety Attacks Treatment If you’ve been trying on your own to handle anxiety attacks, treatment can bring you some much needed relief. Whatever it is that triggers the attacks and can result in a physical …

How Men Can Live Longer

How Men Can Live Longer Have you ever thought about the gap between the life expectancy between men and women? If you’re like most people, this may be the first time that you’ve heard that …

Cellulite Therapy

Cellulite Therapy If you’re plagued by unsightly cellulite, you’ll be interested in cellulite therapy options. Each has its pros and cons. It’s important to educate yourself about the types of therapies available to you. The …

Relaxation and Meditation Exercises

Relaxation and Meditation Exercises After a day’s hectic schedule of meeting deadlines, attending meetings, preparing different documents, and so on, you will always be looking forward to going home and relaxing. There are many ways …

How to Recognize Depression Signs

How to Recognize Depression Signs Depression signs are sometimes not easy to recognize in yourself or loved ones. Some people have the knack to mask depression signs and fool everyone, including yourself. It may seem …