Category: Medical Conditions

Treating Glaucoma

Treating Glaucoma And Keeping Your Eyes Healthy! Glaucoma cannot currently be cured.  However, there are a number of treatments available that can make the condition a lot more manageable and in most cases prevent further …

Ridding Yourself of Chronic Stress

Ridding Yourself of Chronic Stress And Anxiety You don’t need to have a degree in medicine to know what stress is. It’s those knots that you get in your stomach when life situations are difficult. …

Diabetic Lifestyle

Living with a disease like diabetes doesn’t mean that life cannot be enjoyed to the fullest. Small changes in habits and lifestyle can make a huge difference in the quality of life for a diabetic. …

What Causes Alzheimer’s Disease

What Causes Alzheimer’s Disease And How To Deal With it! Alzheimer ’s disease is probably one of the most overlooked diseases in the world today. Yet there has been a gradual shift in awareness over …

Treating Fibromyalgia With Vitamins

Treating Fibromyalgia With Vitamins And Supplements To Help With Pain And More! Fibromyalgia is a painful disorder which causes fatigue, pain and more. It affects around 340 million people worldwide and currently no one is …

What Is Diabetes And How To Treat it

What is Diabetes? And Why Does it Affect So Many People? Diabetes is a disease which is quite simple to define. A person with diabetes has blood sugar levels which are not considered normal. Almost …
exercise and cancer treatment

Can Regular Exercise Prevent And Treat Cancer

Cancer is an extremely dangerous chronic disease which is responsible for over 7 million deaths worldwide each year. Currently, there is no cure for cancer and no exact cause has been established. However, a healthy …