Inflammatory Diseases 101

Inflammatory Diseases 101

Inflammatory diseases are more researched in modern medicine than in previous years. Previously, some of these diseases were clustered together because doctors didn’t know the exact cause or criteria for an accurate diagnosis.

Inflammation in the body is a result of a white blood cell attack on your own body. Te blood cells are intended to fight off foreign invaders like a virus, but sometimes the attack causes redness and pain to your own body.

Sometimes swelling occurs, too – especially when the white blood cells cause an increase in blood flow to a particular region in your body and it builds up into a painful problem for you.

Some forms of inflammatory diseases are helped by medicine, while others require a more stringent lifestyle change like altering your entire diet. Traditionally, doctors understood inflammatory diseases to be things like arthritis, which causes swelling and pain in your body, sometimes specifically the hands.

But now there are other diseases being labeled inflammatory diseases, such as asthma, lupus, irritable bowel syndrome, and Alzheimer’s to name a few. If your body is suffering from an inflammatory disease, you’ll begin to see signs of it that mimic a severe cold.

You might feel achy all over or in certain areas. Your joints can feel feverish and you may even become lethargic and chilled. Because of these spells, some people fail to get a proper diagnosis – they just assume they have the flu.

If you notice that your muscles have become stiff and your joints cause you great pain, then you might want to see your doctor and get him or her to look into the possibility of an inflammatory disease.

With a medical history and exam, it will be easier for your doctor to accurately diagnose you and prescribe medications that can alleviate the symptoms. Your doctor may even go so far as to take x-rays to pinpoint the pain.

If medication doesn’t work on its own, or you’re not happy with the prescription, then there are alternative ways to address your inflammatory disease. These may include going on a new diet that helps relieve joint pain or implementing a physical therapy routine that prevents stiffness in your joints.

Be aware that your body will need you to be considerate of its limitations while you’re being diagnosed and finding an appropriate treatment for your situation. Don’t overdo it or you may make things worse and harder to recover from in the long term.

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