Category: Healthy Eating

Understanding the Reasons Why you Overeat

Understanding the Reasons Why you Overeat You might not notice it until the next time you step up to the weighing scale: you’ve gained a few excess pounds. You don’t understand why but your belt …

Cuisinart CCJ-500 Pulp Control Citrus Juicer

Cuisinart CCJ-500 Pulp Control Citrus Juicer The Cuisinart CCJ-500 Pulp Control Citrus Juicer is a great product if you’re a big fan of lemon, lime and orange juice. Unlike traditional juicers, this juicer is specially …

Boost Your Weight Loss Efforts With Veggies

Boost Your Weight Loss Efforts With Veggies If you’re trying to lose weight, vegetables are a must. Not only are they extremely low in calories but they also contain a range of health boosting nutrients …

Breakfast Lunch and Dinner Diet

The ideal diet is both healthy and nutritious while also being low in calories and fat. Finding healthy and low calorie foods for breakfast, lunch and dinner, can be a hassle. There are delicious foods …

Reducing Food Intake

Reducing the amount of food that a person eats throughout the day is a guaranteed way to lose weight. Consuming fewer calories than are burned by the body through exercise is actually the only way …

Understanding Carbohydrates

Understanding the role that carbohydrates play in a balanced diet and in weight loss is something that many people find difficult. The controversy regarding good carbohydrates versus bad carbohydrates is so confusing that many dieters …

5 Recommended Weight Loss Supplements

Anyone who still believes in magic weight-loss pills is in for a major disappointment. Unfortunately, science hasn’t advanced that much to be able to offer us a miraculous pill that will instantly give us the …