Common Signs of Having Type 2 Diabetes

Common Signs of Having Type 2 Diabetes

If you haven’t been officially diagnosed with this form of diabetes, but you suspect you might have it, there are some symptoms to look out for. Like anything, you could have all of these, none of them, or a combination. Definitely talk to your doctor if you suspect you might have type 2 diabetes.

The First Common Signs to Look For

While there are a lot of potential signs and symptoms for type 2 diabetes, there are some that tend to be more common and usually easier to notice. A common sign is when you are losing weight, but you are actually more hungry. This odd dilemma is often the reason why people go to the doctor and then find out that their blood sugar levels are so high they are pre-diabetic or already have diabetes. You may also notice that you have an increased thirst, which then leads to drinking more and urinating more often. You may also have extreme fatigue where you can barely get through the day, even though you used to have much more energy.

Additional Symptoms

There are also some other signs and symptoms you might notice. These may occur alongside the previously-mentioned symptoms, or you may only have them if your diabetes worsens and you did not realize you had the condition. A common one is having blurry vision, since type 2 diabetes affects your blood vessels, which include the blood vessels behind your eyes. Make sure you see an optometrist if you have blurry vision so they can determine if it might be related to diabetes. You may also have dry mouth, excessive weakness, or cuts and sores that don’t seem to be healing properly. Headaches can be common, along with getting multiple yeast infections, or itching on the skin. Loss of consciousness is possible, though rare.

When to See a Doctor

If you have any of these symptoms, it is a good idea to see your doctor. You may not have diabetes, but many of these can also point to other possible medical conditions. Don’t put off just having a check-up and discussing weird symptoms you might be experiencing. Even if you don’t yet have type 2 diabetes, you might be in the pre-diabetic range, which means you have the opportunity o make healthy changes and avoid getting it. This is great news, but only possible if you seek medical attention.

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