BOSU Cardio Exercises

BOSU Cardio Exercises

BOSU balls are most widely known as a balance building tool. However, they’re incredibly versatile and can also be used to perform fast paced, heart pumping cardio exercises. The five exercises listed below are great for boosting your cardiovascular fitness and burning some serious calories.

1. Burpees

Equipment Required:

  • 1 BOSU ball (dome side up)


  1. Jump onto the BOSU ball.
  2. Jump off the BOSU ball and land in a squat position.
  3. Place your hands on the BOSU ball and kick your legs out behind you so that you are in a push up position.
  4. Pull your legs back in and return to the starting position.
  5. Repeat for as many repetitions as you desire.
  6. Step off the BOSU ball to complete the exercise.

2. Jogging

Equipment Required:

  • 1 BOSU ball (dome side up)


  1. Stand on the BOSU ball and get your balance.
  2. Start to walk slowly on the spot on top of the BOSU ball.
  3. Steadily increase the speed until you are jogging.
  4. Jog for as long as you desire.
  5. Step off the BOSU ball to complete the exercise.

3. Jumping Jacks

Equipment Required:

  • 1 BOSU ball (dome side up)


  1. Stand on the BOSU ball and get your balance.
  2. Start to bounce up and down on the BOSU ball and get your balance.
  3. Start stretching your arms out to the side as you bounce.
  4. Start to bounce from one leg to the other, while stretching your arms out to the side each time you bounce.
  5. Do jumping jacks for as long as you desire.
  6. Step off the BOSU ball to complete the exercise.

4. Shuffles

Equipment Required:

  • 1 BOSU ball (dome side up)


  1. Place your right foot on the BOSU ball and your left foot on the ground.
  2. Bend your right knee and touch your right foot with your left hand.
  3. Jump off the BOSU ball and land with your left foot on the BOSU ball and your right foot on the ground.
  4. Bend your left knee and touch your left foot with your right hand.
  5. Jump off the BOSU ball and land with your right foot on the BOSU ball and your left foot on the ground.
  6. Repeat for as many repetitions as you desire.
  7. Step off the BOSU ball to complete the exercise.

5. Step Ups

Equipment Required:

  • 1 BOSU ball (dome side up)


  1. Place the BOSU ball on the floor in front of you.
  2. Step onto the BOSU ball with your left foot and follow this up with your right foot.
  3. Step off the BOSU ball with your left foot and follow this up with your right foot.
  4. Mix the exercise up by stepping on and off with a different leading foot and stepping off at different sides of the BOSU ball.
  5. Do step ups for as long as you desire.
  6. Step off the BOSU ball to complete the exercise.

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