What Are Six Pack Abs

What Are Six Pack Abs

Men and women alike now are striving to get six pack abs – it looks just like a washboard, and it’s something everyone wants, but few know how to achieve. Six pack abs are muscles that go from your chest to your pelvic region.

The muscle runs flat and there are some tendons that crisscross over the muscle, which make it all separate and appear as a washboard effect. The muscle helps with any movement in your body that’s associated with your core, so it pays to strengthen the muscle for more than just aesthetic reasons.

You also have some oblique muscles that are both external and internal and attached to your ribs. The external ones are diagonal in your body and the internal ones appear at a right angle to them. They’re there to provide extra support for your body.

The abdominis is another muscle hiding under the layers of belly fat that you may currently be fighting. It helps support the abdominal wall and helps with your core strength.

Knowing what your ab muscles are helps you to train them more efficiently. You can first work on burning the layers of fat off of your torso so that your ab muscles have the potential to show up.

Then work on defining your abs so that they evolve into a six pack, washboard tummy. Start with simple exercises like sit-ups and then amp up your abdominal workout by seeing how many crunches you can do. Over time, you’ll see your abs become stronger and you won’t be afraid to take off your shirt and let others see what you’ve worked so hard to achieve.

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