Tips for Dealing with Athletes Foot

Tips for Dealing with Athletes Foot

The next time you get a rash on your foot, don’t just assume it’s not a big deal. You might have a common condition known as athlete’s foot. Though it’s common and easy to get, it can be a pain to get rid of if you don’t treat it aggressively.

Isn’t this a condition that’s usually found among athletes? Yes. But it’s also found in children, women and men who are not athletes. This condition is an equal opportunity fungus and doesn’t care what your age, occupation or sex is.

This fungus just loves any place that’s warm and wet enough for it to thrive. This fungus has lunch in mind – your skin cells. Your body’s old skin cells make a tasty meal for this rapidly spreading fungus.

The worst part about having it isn’t just the itching it causes (though that effect can be a pain to deal with), but it’s the fact that it can travel over your skin and grow on other parts of your body – anywhere on your body where moisture exists. It’s easily spread from your feet to your groin.

So how do you get athletes foot? You can get it by coming into contact with the affected skin of someone who has it. You can get it by walking on a floor where the fungus is residing.

Common places are anywhere that’s shared by a lot of people. Community pools can be a breeding ground for this fungus. If someone who has it walks barefoot to get into the pool and you walk barefoot behind that person, stepping where he stepped, then you can pick up the fungus.

High school locker rooms are a place where the fungus is often found. It might surprise you to know that the fungus can live on carpet. If someone who has the condition comes into your home, removes his shoes and walks barefoot across your carpet, then you have a chance of getting the condition, too.

You can also get the fungus by using the same towel that someone with the condition used. If you wear shoes that let your feet sweat (especially during the summer), the fungus can grow rapidly in that environment.

Reusing socks without washing them can help the fungus spread. How can you tell if you have this condition? Some signs are itching (mild to severe), redness of the skin, scaly or cracked skin.

If it’s not treated, the fungus will get worse and can lead to bleeding areas where the skin is cracked and a bacterial infection takes root. If you notice a stench between your toes and skin that’s moist and peels easily, you probably need treatment.

Athletes’ foot is common and easily treatable in the early stages. It’s only when it’s left untreated that it can really be a bear to get rid of. You can find plenty of ways to treat the condition – including natural as well as pharmaceutical.

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