Category: Medical Conditions

What Is Restless Leg Syndrome?

What Is Restless Leg Syndrome? Restless leg syndrome (also known as RLS or Willis-Ekbom disease) is a neurological disorder that causes you to have sudden, strong urges to move your legs. It affects between 5% …

What Is a Low Cholesterol Diet?

What Is a Low Cholesterol Diet? Has your doctor told you that you need to go on a low cholesterol diet? Or maybe you have some family history of heart disease or other problems and …

What Are Some Good Hemorrhoid Treatments?

What Are Some Good Hemorrhoid Treatments? Hemorrhoids are quite common among Americans. Around 50 percent will have had some form of hemorrhoids by the age of 50.  Most cases are easily treated and less than …

How to Reduce Blood Pressure

How to Reduce Blood Pressure When you have high blood pressure, it can be frightening but understanding how to reduce blood pressure can give you some peace. While high blood pressure can be very dangerous, …

Reducing Cholesterol

Reducing Cholesterol Cholesterol occurs naturally within the human body. Cholesterol is produced by the liver and comes from the foods that you ingest. It is a waxy substance that occurs in nearly every part of …

The Benefits Of Dietary Fats

The Benefits Of Dietary Fats Dietary fats are often associated with weight gain, heart disease and clogged arteries. However, dietary fats are not the dangerous nutrient many people believe and without them your body cannot …