Low-Carb Veggies

Low-Carb Veggies

Trying to create a low-carb meal plan and shopping list can be a big endeavor. You have to make sure that everything you put into your body is low-carb in order to stay on the diet plan. This is true regardless of which low-carb diet plan you are on. Keeping that in mind, you may be concerned about choosing the right vegetables to go along with your meals. Here are a few of the most common low-carb vegetables that you can get virtually year round at most supermarkets and farmers markets.

Bell Peppers

If you have the need for spice and texture in your food, but you need to keep the carbs low, then bell peppers may be the ideal option for you. These peppers are readily available year round and can be a welcome addition to most meals. You can add them for texture, flavor, spice, and for color. They are inexpensive to buy and they are easy to cook  if you choose to eat them that way. You can also eat them raw as a snack. Bell peppers come in the two common varieties of red and green and can even be found packaged and ready to go diced, sliced, or whole. Bell peppers are 9 grams of carbs per cup.


Broccoli is incredibly easy to get year round and you can eat it raw, steamed, baked, or boiled. Broccoli can even be added into dishes easily. The carb amount of broccoli is 6 grams per one cup serving. This makes it a go to grab for most people on low-carb diets. This is especially true since it can be added to salads or full meals and can be helpful for the digestive system which is important when you are first changing a diet plan.


Mushrooms are very versatile to a low-carb diet. One of the things you can do with mushrooms, specifically portobello, is to add them as the bun for burgers. This can give the burger a more earthy taste, the ability to feel like a real burger, and taste even better. You keep the meal low-carb and you get the health benefits of the mushrooms. Mushrooms tend to carry only 2 to 4 grams of carbs depending on the type of mushroom you are eating.

You can add these vegetables into a daily juice, smoothie, or as part of balanced meals. Just keep in mind, there are other low-carb vegetables out there. These are just a few of the ones to look out for and to keep on your normal meal plan and shopping list.

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