Instant Pot Recipes That Are Low-Carb

Instant Pot Recipes That Are Low-Carb

Instant pots are an increasingly popular form of cooking for busy families. One thing you may not think about is using an instant pot to create your low-carb meals for you and your family. If you have never used an instant pot, or if you think you can’t make the meals that fit your low-carb plan then consider these recipes. Each one uses easy to find and prepare ingredients and can be made in the instant pot on various related settings.

Ground Beef Soup

There is a soup setting on your instant pot that can help you make this easy low-carb meal come to life. All you need is beef broth, hamburger meat, green beans, and tomatoes. Add the cooked hamburger meat in with the rest of the ingredients. Make sure the tomatoes have been sliced or cubed depending on the type of cut you like for soups and stews. Simply place the ingredients in and set the soup button. You can add greens to this dish to give it a boost or other vegetables like low-carb mushrooms or peppers. The ground beef soup base is ideal to use and add to depending on the season and what is available to you.

Pulled Pork Carnitas

Pulled pork is super easy in the instant pot. Take thawed pieces of pork or thick boneless pork chops and add them to your instant pot. Add any seasoning, like taco spice, to the meat and choose the meat setting. When the meat is done, shred it with forks. You can then take the shredded meat and add them to lettuce cups or wraps. This gives you a great Mexican dinner option that is carb free and lets you still get a filling meal. If you do not like the lettuce portion, you can use the same meat mix in hulled out tomatoes or peppers to give it an extra kick.

Spaghetti Squash Pasta Swap Dinner

One of the easiest ways to make spaghetti squash is to use an instant pot. All you need to do is place the spaghetti squash in the instant pot. You will need to cut up the squash either into two large halves or four quarters. Once it is cooked slice the squash out and use it as a base for pastas dinners instead of using traditional pasta. You can make this into a one pot recipe by adding hamburger meat and sauce. This gives the meal more of a baked pasta feel.

These are just a few of the ideas that you can bring together and make in your instant pot. There are many others, but these will get you started with no problem. They will also help you expand your meal planning options while staying on a budget.

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