Category: Personal Training

How to Make Exercise Less Boring

How to Make Exercise Less Boring Tired of the same old 12 reps, 10 squats, and 20 minutes on the treadmill?  There is a way to make exercise less boring! If you’re sick of walking …

Time to Burn Fat

Time to Burn Fat If you really want to, you can start to burn fat in a couple of days. Want to know how? You’ve got to get yourself into the fat burning mode. That …

The Most Effective Muscle Gain Supplements

The Most Effective Muscle Gain Supplements When you’re looking to build muscle, you’ll want to use muscle gain supplements that provide you with the extra nutrition you need to have success. There are several different …

Muscle Builders that Work

Muscle Builders that Work There are many products on the market that claim to help you bulk up, but it’s hard to decipher the muscle builders that work from those that don’t. You need to …

Body Building Nutrition

Body Building Nutrition Nutrition in body building is very important for anyone serious about the sport. Good nutrition is essential for a healthy life, but it is most important for a body builder to have …

Female Body Building

Female Body Building While body building has long been considered a man’s sport, more and more females are starting to take an interest in their bodies from a muscular standpoint. Female body building is big …

Stability Balls

Stability Balls A stability ball can add a lot to your bodyweight training exercises. Not only can it tighten up muscles and build strength, but it can help you with balance as well. These balls …

Sand Bags

Sand Bags If you’re new to bodyweight training, you may not yet know of a handy way that you can add resistance to your workout. Using a sandbag can give you a workout that sculpts …

Pull Up and Chin Up Bars

Pull Up and Chin Up Bars Bodyweight training is one of the fastest and easiest ways that you can lose weight and get in shape. Plus, you don’t have to have a lot of fancy …