Category: Exercise

Mindfulness in the Winter for Self-Care

Mindfulness in the Winter for Self-Care The cold, grey days and long, dreary nights of winter are an ideal time to establish a mindfulness practice. Mindfulness is helpful in dealing with stress and other challenges …

Indoor Workouts for Winter Self-Care

Indoor Workouts for Winter Self-Care When it comes to staying in shape during the winter months, it can be difficult for many reasons. From attending holiday parties to battling the cold weather, it can be …

How to Care for Yourself in the Winter

How to Care for Yourself in the Winter Winter can be a beautiful and contemplative season, but it’s often difficult to enjoy it with the cold temperature and various illnesses in the air. Luckily, it’s …

Paleo Diet Staples

Paleo Diet Staples The Paleo Diet buzz started years back and it took the world by storm – it managed to change the way people looked at eating and dieting. Becoming healthy can be a …

Ultimate Partner Workouts

Ultimate Partner Workouts Working out regularly has many benefits. It improves your cardiovascular fitness, keeps all your major organs healthy, protects you from disease, boosts your immune system and much more. Unfortunately, if you’re in …