BOSU Hockey Exercises

BOSU Hockey Exercises

Hockey is a sport where balance and agility are crucial. To be a good player you need to be able to change direction, pass and take a shot while maintaining your balance and moving rapidly. The five hockey exercises listed below will help you develop all these skills and become a better hockey player.

1. Hockey Balance Drill

Equipment Required:

  • 1 BOSU ball (dome side up)


  1. Kneel down on the BOSU ball and place your hands on the front of the BOSU ball.
  2. Slowly raise your left hand and right knee off the BOSU ball.
  3. Straighten your left arm out in front of you and your right leg out behind you.
  4. Balance for as long as you can on your right hand and left knee.
  5. Slowly lower your left hand and right knee back onto the BOSU ball.
  6. Slowly raise your right hand and left knee off the BOSU ball.
  7. Straighten your right arm out in front of you and your left leg out behind you.
  8. Balance for as long as you can on your left hand and right knee.
  9. Slowly lower your right hand and left knee back onto the BOSU ball.
  10. Stand up and step off the BOSU ball to complete the exercise.

2. Hockey Passing Drill

Equipment Required:

  • 2 BOSU balls (dome side up)
  • 2 hockey sticks
  • 1 hockey ball
  • 1 partner


  1. Place the two BOSU balls on the floor about five feet apart.
  2. Give one of the hockey sticks to your partner and keep one for yourself.
  3. Get your partner to stand on one of the BOSU balls and stand on the other BOSU ball yourself.
  4. Place the hockey ball on the floor in front of you, get it under control with the hockey stick and then pass it to your partner.
  5. Get them to control it with the hockey stick and pass it back to you.
  6. Repeat for as long as you desire.
  7. Step off the BOSU ball to complete the exercise.

3. Hockey Passing With Defender Drill

Equipment Required:

  • 2 BOSU balls (dome side up)
  • 2 hockey sticks
  • 2 partners
  • 1 hockey ball


  1. Place the two BOSU balls on the floor about five feet apart.
  2. Give one of the hockey sticks to one of your partners and keep one for yourself.
  3. Get the partner with the hockey stick to stand on one of the BOSU balls, get the other partner to stand in the center of the BOSU balls and stand on the other BOSU ball yourself.
  4. Place the hockey ball on the floor in front of you, get it under control then pass it to the partner on the BOSU ball.
  5. Get them to control it and pass it back to you.
  6. As you do this, get your other partner to attempt to block your passes to each other.
  7. Repeat for as long as you desire.
  8. Step off the BOSU ball to complete the exercise.

4. Hockey Skate Drill

Equipment Required:

  • 1 ballast ball
  • 1 BOSU ball (dome side up)


  1. Grab the ballast ball in both hands and stand on the BOSU ball with both feet.
  2. Stretch your left leg out to the side and place your left foot on the floor. At the same time, bend your right knee and hold the ballast ball out to your right.
  3. Bring your left leg back in and place your left foot on the BOSU ball. At the same time, straighten your right knee and bring the ballast ball back in front of you.
  4. Stretch your right leg out to the side and place your right foot on the floor. At the same time, bend your left knee and hold the ballast ball out to your left.
  5. Bring your right leg back in and place your right foot on the BOSU ball. At the same time, straighten your left knee and bring the ballast ball back in front of you.
  6. Repeat for as many repetitions as you desire.
  7. Step off the BOSU ball and place the ballast ball on the floor to complete the exercise.

5. Hockey Stick Handling Drill

Equipment Required:

  • 1 BOSU ball (dome side up)
  • 1 hockey ball
  • 1 hockey stick


  1. Grab the hockey stick, stand on the BOSU ball and get your balance.
  2. Place the ball on the floor and rapidly roll it from side to side using your hockey stick.
  3. Increase the pace until you are going as fast as you can go and make sure you keep your balance on the BOSU ball at all times.
  4. Repeat for as long as you desire.
  5. Step off the BOSU ball to complete the exercise.

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