5 Sign You Could Be Gluten Symptoms

How Digestive Issues Are a Common Symptom of Gluten Intolerance

Digestive issues are never a fun thing to deal with. They can hit you at the most inconvenient times and cause problems for you that you wish you never had to deal with. Finding out the root of your digestive issues is a great way to ensure that you will not have to deal with these issues as regularly. Digestive issues can many times be linked to gluten intolerance. This is something that has become a bigger problem every year for individuals around the world. More media exposure has brought awareness to this problem, and there are now more solutions for gluten intolerance.

Many of those who suffer from gluten intolerance are never even diagnosed. It is important to recognize the warning signs of gluten intolerance so that you can properly adjust your diet to reduce digestive issues. One of the first digestive issues that will be apparent when you are dealing with gluten intolerance is gas. This will be harder to pinpoint to gluten intolerance as many foods can make us gassy. However, if you see a certain trend where you are getting very gassy after certain foods, you may want to go to a doctor and check to see if you are dealing with gluten intolerance.

Bloating is another common digestive issue that comes along with gluten intolerance. Bloating is always a very uncomfortable digestive issue that makes any eating experience hard to deal with. If your bloating is also accompanied by diarrhea or constipation, it is a sure sign that you might have gluten intolerance. Constipation is more common in younger individuals who have gluten intolerance while older individuals usually experience diarrhea. It is important to take note of what type of foods you are eating before you experience any of these digestive issues.

For those who feel as though their digestive issues are caused by gluten intolerance, there are ways to determine if your diet is causing these issues. However, this is something that takes time. You must completely remove all gluten from your diet in order to see if this is what is causing your digestive issues. Protein in gluten can stay in your system for many weeks and even months. This is why it is important to have a completely gluten free diet for months to see if all of your digestive issues do go away. Seeing a doctor is another great way to really get to the bottom of your digestive issues.

If you find out that your digestive issues are linked to gluten intolerance, there are ways to maintain a healthy lifestyle. When it comes to gluten intolerance, there is no wiggle room. There are many individuals who feel that it is ok to eat gluten only a few times here and there, but this is something that will only result in continued digestive issues. For those looking to live a clean and healthy lifestyle, the complete absence of gluten must be maintained for the remainder of this individual’s life. This is truly the only way to live without digestive issues when you are dealing with gluten intolerance.

How Keratosis Pilaris Are a Common Symptom of Gluten Intolerance

Keratosis pilaris is a common and actually relatively harmless skin condition where the skin becomes incredibly rough and bumpy, as though it were covered in goose pimples. While it is harmless, it can be unsightly if it is particularly extreme and many people decide to start to look at the causes of it so that they can reduce its appearance. One common cause of this skin disorder is thought to be gluten in the diet.

You will be able to deal with this with treatments, but you also may need to take care of it by taking the gluten out of your diet. The gluten in your diet can cause this problem, and now what you need to do is make sure that you can change your diet to see a change in your skin.

The best thing that you can do for yourself is to just cut out all the gluten in your diet. You can avoid it pretty easily, and you will be able to have a good time eating knowing that you are not playing into Keratosis Pilaris that you have been dealing with. Getting rid of gluten means that you just need to check all the things you eat to be sure that you are not eating it. That is something that you will be able to do when you check ingredients, and you should think about the best way to do that.

Most people just do some study online so that they will know how they are going to find gluten, and then they can start buying things that do not have gluten. You will be able to check things to see what has gluten and what does not, and you will see if it is going to start handling the Keratosis Pilaris that you have.

You probably still need to go to the doctor to deal with the problem, but the gluten in your diet is not going to be there to create the Keratosis Pilaris in the first place. Your skin is going to start clearing up, and you are going to feel like you have more energy because you are eating a diet that you know is perfect for you.

Many people who is doing this is going to have a much better time getting the results that they want because they are going to be able to see that their skin is getting clearer. You can fix your own skin without much help, but you do need to make sure that you are changing your diet for the better. You are going to have to ask a lot of questions when you are ordering food, and you are going to have to change your diet to make sure that it is going to be good for you. You should start writing things down so that you know what you can and cannot eat, and you should start considering what it would be like if you were not dealing with your skin problems.

Could Your Low Energy Be a Symptom of Gluten Intolerance?

Imagine going to bed extremely exhausted, getting a full eight hours of sleep, only to wake up just as exhausted as when you first went to bed. Now imagine that happening every night for months. Sound familiar? Yes, millions of Americans struggle with issues like sleep apnea every day, but what if it was effecting every area of your life? Imagine being so tired you have trouble staying awake while at work, or never having any energy to do anything, even to hang out with friends. Imagine your whole world being reduced to going to work and then home to sleep. You eat right, you exercise, and yet no matter what you do, no matter how many hours of sleep you get, you just feel drained and you don’t know why.

If this is sounding more and more like the story of your life you are not alone. For many people this is their reality, and they don’t have any idea what is causing it? Well, there may be a chance that this and other symptoms could be a tell-tale sign of gluten intolerance.

For those of you who have never heard of gluten intolerance you maybe familiar with another disease that has been appearing in the headlines a lot lately. Celiac disease. Gluten intolerance is very similar in appearance to Celiac disease in that some of its symptoms are the same digestive issues associated with Celiac, so much so that it is often misdiagnosed as Celiac most of the time.

Gluten sensitivity is very similar to celiac disease but the symptoms are not restricted to just digestive issues. It’s list of symptoms include extreme fatigue, in fact most people when diagnosed with gluten sensitivity were seeing a doctor for fatigue. Other common symptoms are mental fatigue, you might know it as brain fog, headache, neurological problems, depression and joint pain.

So, how can you tell which one you might be dealing with? Well, with the help of your doctor, there are a few things that you can do. First, get tested. Gluten Intolerance can only be identified after Celiac disease and wheat allergy have been ruled out, and to do this your doctor will need to run blood tests and possibly a skin prick test. Now, these tests look for gluten in your body, so it is important to remember not to start a gluten free diet before getting tested as it could give a false negative. As for the low energy, mineral and nutrient deficiency is a common side effect of both celiac disease and gluten intolerance. Many people have reported that when they had a complete detailed workup of their blood and tested for other deficiencies, all showed the same levels of deficiencies in vitamin b12, vitamin d, magnesium, iron and testosterone levels and this is what was at the heart of their sleeping problems. They also reported that after using supplements all saw improvements in energy and restful sleep so it is certainly worth checking out and seeing if you have any vitamin or hormone deficiencies that can be causing your sleeplessness.

The Link Between Migraines and Gluten

People that suffer from migraines typically have one or more triggers that cause the onset of the headache. Many are unable to identify the triggers and therefore continue to suffer with no relief in sight. It has been found that a large percent of migraines may be triggered by food allergies, environmental sensitivities, and even nutritional deficiencies. Gluten intolerance is becoming a very common food allergy, as awareness about it has become more prevalent. It is thought that some of those who suffer from migraines, may also have a gluten intolerance trigger.

It is been found that those who suffer from Celiac’s Disease, a severe intolerance to gluten, also have a higher prevalence of migraines. Those with Celiac’s Disease often find relief from migraines when they start a gluten free diet. They also report a return of their migraines when they have ingested gluten.

Some clinicians believe that gluten intolerance goes beyond just typical gastrointestinal symptoms. You may also suffer from neurological symptoms if you have gluten intolerance. Some research suggests that headaches, brain, and nerve damage may also be caused by gluten intolerance. If you are sensitive to gluten, you may experience inflammation of the central nervous system. This could lead to migraines. A study that was conducted in the United Kingdom in 2001, examined the link between 10 patients that suffered from chronic headaches and gluten sensitivities. It was discovered that all 10 patients had some level of gluten sensitivity. All of them also suffered from central nervous inflammation.

It is believed that the reason the inflammation in the digestive tract is linked to the neurological systems is because the autoimmune response releases cytokines. These cytokines enter the bloodstream and eventually the brain. This could cause inflammation in your brain. This what causes the neurological symptoms associated with gluten intolerance. This same mechanism has also been associated with depression and anxiety if you suffer from gluten intolerance.

Several studies on gluten intolerance and migraines suggest that those who eliminated gluten from their diets had some measurable relief from migraines. If you feel that gluten may be a trigger for your migraines you might want to talk to your doctor about getting tested for gluten intolerance. The most common and effective screening test is the Tissue Transglutaminase Antibody test. You may also want to try eliminating gluten from your diet to see if it alleviates your migraines. Be cautious when trying to eliminate gluten from your diet, it is hidden in many foods that you may not even be aware of. Look for foods that are certified gluten free. If you do find that gluten is a trigger for your migraines, then do your best to eliminate it completely from your diets. Those with Celiac’s Disease regressed in having migraines when they came in contact with gluten in their diet.

How Joint Pain Can Be a Symptom of Gluten Intolerance

For those with full blown Celiac Disease, there are gastrointestinal symptoms including abdominal pain, diarrhea and bloating. So it would come as no surprise that if people had a gluten intolerance then they may experience similar symptoms. However, there is no blood test for gluten sensitivity but there is a screening and diagnostic test to confirm celiac disease which can be administered to rule it out as the cause of symptoms. If celiac disease and a wheat allergy is not the cause of your symptoms, following a gluten free diet may relieve the symptoms.

The symptoms of gluten intolerance include digestive problems such as gas, abdominal pain, cramping diarrhea, constipation and bloating. Nausea after eating foods containing gluten and foul smelling stool may indicate an intolerance or sensitivity. Some suffers may also get a skin rash that look similar to goosebumps is known as keratosis pilaris or dermatitis herpetiformis. Other common symptoms include mental and chronic fatigue, migraine headaches and joint pain and swelling. It can even cause mood swings, anxiety, depression and inattention. Gluten sensitivity and intolerance can lead to weight loss, osteoporosis, anemia and infertility as well.

There are many similarities in the causes and symptoms of gluten intolerance and sensitivity, wheat allergies and celiac diseases. It is important to continue a normal diet when being tested by your doctor to identify the cause of the symptoms. Keeping a food journal and a record of symptoms can help your doctor identify the cause of the symptoms. Joint pain, swelling and inflammation are common signs of gluten intolerance and those with arthritis may relieve their suffering by following a gluten free diet, although researcher have yet to find proof of the claim. Doctors do, however, say that many rheumatoid arthritis suffers report less joint pain when gluten is eliminated from their diet.

One way to tell if gluten is causing health issues is to eliminate it from your diet and see if the issues and symptoms disappear. After a few weeks or a month or two, try eating products that contain gluten again, noting how it affects your general health and well being. If the symptoms return when gluten returns to your diet, a gluten free diet may be the answer. Arthritis is an autoimmune disease and gluten may trigger this same response in those who are sensitive or intolerant of it. A gluten free diet could help relieve the arthritic like symptoms for some and lessen the severity of symptoms for others. Consult your doctor about your symptoms and the possibility of gluten intolerance or sensitivity. Further testing may reveal another explanation for the symptoms and afford you proper care and treatment.

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