3 Keys to Maximize Muscle Growth

3 Keys to Maximize Muscle Growth

Having great muscles is the goal for many people. Who doesn’t want to look in the mirror and see a body that’s fit? Unfortunately, a lot of people are spinning their wheels when it comes to getting the muscle build that they want.

They end up not doing well because they don’t understand the key elements of muscle growth – like what’s taught in the Somanabolic Muscle Maximizer by Kyle Leon.

Key #1: Understand Proper Strength Training

Strength training isn’t something that you dabble in. You either dedicate yourself to it 100% and reap the rewards or you play around with it and you don’t get to achieve any of your goals for building a better body.

The whole purpose of strength training is to gain physical strength from head to toe. It benefits everything in your body when you workout this way.  When you get involved with strength training, the end goal is build more power – and build a better body.

Strength training give you more muscle mass, and it also gets rid of body fat as well. You burn fat when you do strength training because you’re using more calories as your output than you normally would.

This charges up your metabolism to the point where it stays revved up. When you’re doing strength training exercises, you also increase the level of performance that your body can give you.

In any situation that calls for physical output, you have more endurance. You’ll also end up with better overall health. There’s another side of strength training, too.

Because it’s not a walk in the park, it does separate the men from the boys. If you keep at it, you’ll gain confidence and stronger muscles. Proper strength training gives you some other nice by-products, too.

You’ll not only gain muscle – but speed as well. The better shape that you’re in, the faster you can do whatever it is that you need to accomplish. Now you can start strength training at any age, but you don’t want to put it off because aging often results in the loss of muscle.

It’s just one of those things that if you don’t stay on top of it, you end up losing it. But when you’re engaged in strength training, you can keep your muscles healthy and strong – regardless of your age.

You don’t have to be a fitness buff or a man to do strength training. It’s beneficial for any gender at any age. The important thing is just to do it. Another reason that it’s important is because strength training exercises keeps your bones strong, too.

Strong bones come from exercises that build your strength because you end up gaining bone density. Strength training also keeps your weight at a healthy level. You’ll find that you’re also gaining in stamina as you workout.

There’s more than one way that you can you do strength training exercises. You have plenty of choices to choose from. You can work out in your own home or you can hit the gym.

Some of the best machines that people in strength training use are weight machines. That’s because these help with resistance. Resistance is what builds muscle mass.

Whether you’re at home or at the gym, you want to check out the curl machine. This machine is meant to build powerful biceps because of the angle or the resistance level it can put on muscles in motion.

Any machine that gives you a full range of motion is better at building muscle with strength training. They work by isolating the muscle that you want to target. You get to choose the weight and as you extend your arm, the goal is to keep the weight from dropping all the way.

There are some people who prefer free weights over machines. Barbells are used in strength training because they can also build muscle, but you do have to know the exercises that are best for hitting those targeted muscles.

You’d have to do specific exercises for each muscle group. For example, if you wanted to target your leg muscles, you would look for exercises such as squats or lunges.

For the squat, you’d put the barbell across your shoulders and using your leg muscles, you slowly lower and raise yourself from a squatting position. If you do lunges, you have the barbell on your shoulders and you step forward with one leg at a 90 degree angle while the other leg is back for balance.

Body weight exercises are also a big part of strength training. For these exercises, you just use the weight of your body as resistance rather than using machines or any exercise tools.

These are exercises like pull-ups, push-ups, sit-ups and abdominal exercises. When you do strength training, one of the keys to success is found in the repetition of the exercises that you do. This is how you build stamina. The resistance should be at the point that by the time you reach the end of the repetitions you’ve set for yourself, you’re finding it tough to keep going.

Every time that you can complete a set of exercises and still feel like your muscles can take on more, that means it’s time to add to the length of your workout.

Some people are under the impression that strength training will take months of hard work before they see any actual results, but this isn’t true. With strength training, you’ll see results in about ten to fourteen days.

Sometimes, it happens even sooner. The first result that you’ll notice is that you have more energy and more strength in your body. Quickly, you’ll begin seeing fat burn off and your muscles will tone up and look more carved.

Key #2: Use Anabolic Nutrition for Lean Muscle

If you’ve done any searches about the best nutrition to use for building muscle, you’ll get overwhelmed with the information that’s out there. Some of them will advocate taking supplements to build muscle.

But the Somanabolic Muscle Maximizer by Kyle Leon hits the nail on the head with the instructions for users on skipping the supplements. Instead, the focus is on anabolic nutrition.

The reason that anabolic nutrition is important is because you want a diet that works with the kind of body you currently have. This diet is great for use by people who want to build muscle but may not necessarily have it yet and they’ve struggled in the past.

It’s also a top-notch diet for use in burning fat. Unlike most diets, the anabolic diet is tailored to the individual rather than a generalized large mass of people. Using this diet, you’ll learn a healthy, natural way to build muscle and get fit in a way that works for you.

Since people aren’t cut from the same mold, nutrition plans shouldn’t be, either. No two people are 100% identical – not even identical twins. The anabolic diet figures in the total individual.

Your height as well as your weight is taken into consideration for what you should eat and when you should eat it. But most importantly, your body type is configured into your specific plan.

Body types are important when it comes to building muscle because it can work for you if you eat and work out according to that body type. If you don’t eat and work out according to your body type, then you’ll have more of a struggle on your hands.

So, first learn which body type is yours. There are three basic types that are used to help identify what diet and muscle building program would work out the best for you.

The first body type is ectomorph. People with this body type have a fairly skinny build. Their bones appear small and almost fragile. They find it difficult to put on muscle.

They can usually eat whatever foods in whatever amounts they want to because they don’t gain weight very well. The reason for this is because they have a pretty fast metabolism.

While this keeps them from gaining weight, it also works against them when it comes to building muscle. Without the proper kind of diet such as the anabolic diet, someone with an ectomorph body type is going to have an uphill battle to build muscle.

But with the right diet, they can do just as well as other body types. Another plus for this body type is that they don’t have a problem burning fat. So when they do put on muscle gain, it’s all usually healthy, lean muscle.

The second body type is mesomorph. This body type is opposite the ectomorph. People with this kind of body type are usually pretty athletic and they’re active. They have a well-proportioned body that can give them that cut muscle look easily. The challenge for this type of body is that they can also add fat just as easily.

The third body type is endomorph. These are usually people that really struggle to take off weight. They often have shorter heights and tend too look very flabby when exercise isn’t part of their regular lifestyle due to their short stature.

Their body build tends to look fatter than the other body types. This body type struggles to build muscle and has to keep a close eye out for weight gain while adding in a bunch of cardio and muscles for fat burning.

When you’re learning about the anabolic diet, you might hear about bulking and cutting. Bulking is where you add on excess calories to your diet. You end up eating more than your body actually needs for what you’re outputting or able to burn.

Cutting is the opposite. You eat a lot less food than your body needs. Though many people think this is a good plan, it’s not in reality. The reason that it’s not is because you’re teaching your body to hang onto fat because you’re putting it in the mode where it’s not getting enough fuel.

You might think you’re burning fat, but the message that your body is getting is one of famine – so it’s holding onto fat and in turn, creating more for future famine periods you’re doing during the cutting phase.

Bulking and cutting also introduces your body to insulin insensitivity. This occurs when your body doesn’t react to insulin and it’s setting the stage for getting Type 2 diabetes.

This happens because when you overload your bodies with a calorie surplus, your pancreas has to work harder – and there’s only so much insulin that your pancreas can release before it can’t keep up.

So when it comes to bulking and cutting, it’s a better idea to not take part in this for the sake of your pancreas. The payoff is minimal and the risk is just too high. A better way is to eat healthy during your recovery phase and eat the high carb foods during the bulking up phase.

On the anabolic diet, you’ll be eating plenty of high fats and proteins. That includes red meats. The reason you should be eating fats is because when you give your body something that it needs anyway to work properly and you give it plenty of it, it doesn’t hold onto it as much.

It’s that whole famine issue your body goes through. If you give it enough, it doesn’t feel the need to hold onto fats longer. But if you don’t, you can bet you’ll struggle to lose fat because your body is going to fight you.

It thinks that it must store and hold onto fat when you don’t give it what it needs and craves. Five days a week, you’ll focus on vegetables along with fats and proteins.

You need the fat to boost testosterone, which in turn helps your body build muscle. During the five days that you’re eating the vegetables, fats and proteins, you should not have many carbs.

But on the weekends, you can have plenty of carbs. This means that you can load up on potatoes and pasta and all of the carbs that give you that full feeling for hours.

When you first begin the anabolic diet, you should know that your body is going to go through an adjustment period just like it does with all diets.

Key #3: Effectively Track and Measure Your Progress

When you strength train, your goal is to increase muscle mass and you’ll learn many tips on this in Somanabolic Muscle Maximizer by Kyle Leon. When you increase muscle mass, you may show a rise in the numbers on a scale.

But gaining muscle actually means that you can experience fat loss because when your muscle mass increases, your fat amount lessens. It can be easy to step on a scale and see only discouragement.

A scale is not an accurate portrayal of muscle growth and shouldn’t be used unless you’re specifically monitoring weight loss. Instead, you should use other means or a combination of means to track your progress.

One way is through the amount of repetitions that you can now do versus where you were in the beginning of your journey. Duration is another method. If you could only do five repetitions with difficulty when you started, but now you can do twenty without it, that’s one way to see how much your muscles have improved.

Another way is by knowing what your body fat composition is. Between 7-10% is good, but under 10 is better. To figure out what your muscle mass is, you have to first figure out what your body fat level is.

You can find your body fat by measuring it with a handy tool called a caliper. These devices measure your body fat where your skin folds. Once you know what your body fat is, you take that reading and multiply it by your current weight.

Someone who weights 200 pounds and gets a 10% fat reading would be carrying 20 pounds of fat. To figure muscle gain, you can also take your weight and body fat before you started and subtract your current weight and body fat.

That will tell you how much muscle you gained. You can also use a tape measure to check your body for muscle growth. You would measure your biceps, chest, legs, etc.

The increase in inches will tell you the muscle gain. You can use before, during and after pictures to see proof of what your muscles look like. Check your progress regularly because you’ll often see an improvement by seeing it on the measuring tape before you’ll notice it in the mirror.

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