Category: Medical Conditions

Shred Fat With Protein

Protein keeps the body strong and the heart healthy. But did you know that protein can also help you lose weight? There are many diets out there that promise quick weight loss, but a long-term …

Homemade Lotion For Dry Skin Tutorial

Homemade Lotion For Dry Skin Tutorial My daughter has developed a dermatitis when she was 1 year old. Since then we’ve tried countless lotions, ultra moisturizing creams and anything we could find, hoping the quality …

SAD: Combatting Seasonal Affective Disorder

SAD: Combatting Seasonal Affective Disorder Seasonal affective disorder, or SAD, is one type of depression related to the change in season. SAD symptoms begin about the same time each year. If you are like most …

Tips for Preventing Winter Illness

Tips for Preventing Winter Illness Winter is the season when it’s easiest to get sick. Unfortunately, when the weather is colder, there are more illnesses going around, most notably colds and the flu. However, there …