Category: Disorders

Social Anxiety for a Child

Social Anxiety for a Child Social anxiety for a child is similar to what we, as adults, sometimes feel when we step up to a podium to speak or enter a room filled with strangers. …

When You’re Diagnosed with Depression

When You’re Diagnosed with Depression When you’re presented with a diagnosis of depression, the first thing you must realize is that there is help. You’ll want to work closely with your doctor to figure out …

The Dangers of High Cholesterol

The Dangers of High Cholesterol Even though the particles of cholesterol in the blood are very small, they have the ability to pose a massive problem to any person who has cholesterol that remains high …

Essential Oils That Help With IBS

Essential Oils That Help With IBS Irritable bowel syndrome can be a challenging disorder to deal with, but if your IBS isn’t very severe, then most of your treatments can be handled by having a …

What is Fibromyalgia

What is Fibromyalgia? Among the multitude of diseases that exist, the ones that are most difficult to deal with are those that are difficult to diagnose or detect. Until modern science works to find cures …

How to Deal With Stress in Children

How to Deal With Stress in Children Stress in children can be due to a number of issues. These issues can range from emotional problems to sensory issues. Keep in mind, children are just like …

The Relationship Between Hormones and Anxiety

The Relationship Between Hormones and Anxiety Anxiety is an umbrella term that encompasses a wide array of disorders that generally result from worrying, fear, apprehension, and nervousness. Such feelings will most likely have an impact …

The Anemia and Iron Connection

The Anemia and Iron Connection More than half of all anemias are due to iron deficiency and this type of anemia is more prevalent in women than in men. Anemia develops when your body doesn’t …