Knowing when Anger Becomes a Problem

We Have Collected Some Of The Top Rated Books For You To Learn How To Manage Your Anger!

Have you heard of the quote, “A hungry man is an angry man”? It’s probably one of the rare circumstances in which the emotion of anger is truly justified.

But let’s face it: anger, by itself, gets a bad rap amongst people for the disastrous consequences that occur as a result. Violence is the watchword, yet very few people make an attempt to understand the reasons behind the angered person’s actions – i.e. what or who made them angry.

Interestingly, the fight-or-flight response, which exists both in animals and humans, often manifests as anger in the latter, and is considered by the theorists as a “method of survival” against perceived threats.

But does this mean that it’s fine for you to lose your cool whenever you want? No, not one bit.

In most cases of uncontrollable anger, the person who is angry suffers but it can lead to causing irreparable damage to others which they will live to regret when their rage has dissipated.

So, if anger is normal, where do we draw the line? How do we know when it isn’t “fine”? Most importantly, when do we know that it has or will become a problem?

Usually, there are two instances in which we can easily identify when anger has become a problem and they are:

#1: When we feel it too intensely or frequently

The more intensely or frequently you ‘see red’, it almost always affects your body and mind negatively. The fight or flight theory also mentions that the individual goes into hyper alert mode when faced with danger or a threat, and increased blood pressure and heart rate are almost always visible every time when someone loses their temper.

Over a period of time, when a person continues to lose their temper frequently or with intensity, this will exert a physical strain on the body, leading to health problems such as a weaker immune system, hypertension and heart disease to name a few.

But that’s not all – relationships with other people are ruined, one’s career can come to an abrupt halt and, gradually, you will find yourself all alone because people are intimidated and scared of your outbursts.

So, it bodes well that people realize that controlling their anger works in their best interests, both physically and mentally and the relationships and things that they value.

#2: When anger is expressed inappropriately

As mentioned earlier, violence is frowned upon, and rightly so. Being aggressive or destructive won’t get you any fans even if ‘blowing up’ seemed the right thing to do at that moment. Of course, threatening behavior in the form of verbal or even physical abuse is what happens but at its very worst, one can even kill someone in a fit of rage.

And which is why psychologists always tell people to count to five or even ask themselves whether what angers them is really worth getting angry about in the first place.

Remember: it’s not wrong to get angry, but it’s definitely not right to express it in a manner that is considered threatening.

And this is what makes knowing when anger is a problem important as there is a very fine line between anger and rage.

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